
First they told me I had endometriosis and put me on a birth control regime to control the stabbing that paralyzed me every few weeks. The internet was new then, and the few times I signed onto the music of AOL, it was mostly because my best friend and I decided to argue with people in chat rooms. I didn’t fully understand the purpose of internet or what it had to offer. However, typing “endometriosis” into a search engine was less embarrassing than looking it up in the card catalog at the library.

I was sixteen and facing infertility for the first time in my life. I dealt with it by saying I didn’t want kids anyway. When I was 20, I had scar tissue and lesions removed from my uterus. Periods weren’t so bad after that, but I was warned that this didn’t cure me. It was a temporary solution.

A few months before turning 35, I decided it was time to find out exactly what my body already knows. I went to the nurse practitioner I’d been seeing for a year and asked for a complete blood panel. I wanted to know if I will ever have a chance of having a baby, so I can deal with whatever that answer is and know my options. I was called within a week and told to come in to discuss the results, which we all know is a sign that something isn’t right. The Nurse Practitioner came into the room and said, “Your thyroid has pooped out, so you’re going to need to be on medication for the rest of your life and have regular blood tests.” I suspected thyroid issues. It runs in the family. Plus, no matter how healthy I ate and how much I exercised, weight piled on like I was eating McDonald’s every day. I had shared my thyroid concerns with her the week before. Her answer was writing a prescription for a diet pill that would also ensure “my house, car, laundry–everything clean” after all the energy it would give me. I never filled the prescription. I never wanted it in the first place. She went on to tell me how my cholesterol was dangerously high and my Vitamin D was extremely low. Not to mention, my testosterone levels were extremely high.

“What does this mean for any chance of me having a baby?”

“We have to get your thyroid under control before we can have that conversation.”

I’d just been told, once again, that my body was fucked up. I was sixteen again and resorted to the internet for answers with a copy of my blood work by my side. I easily found that my high cholesterol and low Vitamin D were linked to my under-active thyroid. I began to wonder if I had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) when reading about high testosterone in women. Our thyroids run our metabolisms. When it poops out and decides it doesn’t want to work, everything goes a little crazy. Everything I read said that one should be tested every six weeks to see if TSH levels are lowering and if the medication dosage needs to be increased. I wasn’t supposed to get blood work for three months.

I called the nurse practitioner and asked to be referred to a specialist. She never referred me. Luckily, a friend told me about an endocrinologist who would let me self-refer since I had a PPO. I waited a very long five weeks to get in to see him. He went over everything, confirmed the links of some of the test results. I’d had my second blood test by now and my testosterone dropped in half. He had no answers as to why. It wasn’t linked to the thyroid treatment. He looked at my hormones and asked what day of my cycle I’d been tested. While hormones showed within normal ranges, with the exception of the testosterone, they weren’t aligned with where they should on that particular day of my cycle. He referred me to a fertility doctor. 

“Have you ever had an ultrasound?”

“Yes, on my uterus as a teenager to see if I had cysts and a few years ago after a lump was found in my breast.”

“But not on your thyroid?”


“We are going to do that today.”

I followed him down a short hall, and a technician came into the room. She put the cool gel on my throat and began moving the probe around. She kept going back to the left and clicking on her keyboard. 

“The doctor will be in to talk to you.” She walked out without looking at me.

The 30 seconds felt like an eternity. He came in and placed the probe on my throat. “You have a nodule. I’ll want to biopsy it to see if it’s cancer.”

I made an appointment to see if what I read online was true, to make sure I was being treated appropriately. I was walking out of his office with more blood work orders, a biopsy scheduled, and a referral to a fertility doctor.

“You have Hashimoto’s Disease from the look of your thyroid.” It was confirmed, just as with the endometriosis, my body is attacking itself. I have always been hard on myself, but this is a whole other level.

On the morning of my biopsy, I went to yoga. I took a Xanax because I’m not as strong as people think I am. When I sat in the waiting room of the hospital between my mom and stepdad, I began to cry. I was terrified and very few people understood or validated that fear, which made it that much worse to endure. Being my father’s daughter, I cracked jokes with the medical team about the bruising that could look like a hickey. The oncologist told me we would be taking samples to check for cancer and that if the results come back positive, that thyroid cancer is very easy to treat. 

“I’ve read it’s a nicer cancer.” I tried to joke. “You really should put some pictures on the ceiling of waterfalls or animals. Something nice to stare at.”

“You’re right. We should. We had pictures of animals on the ceiling at the children’s hospital I worked at,” he replied.

“Well, I’m just an overgrown child, so I’d appreciate that.”

“Ahhh very true. I fully embrace my inner child too. We only get one life; we must live it to the fullest,” he said.

Then he stated my name, the date and time, and that the biopsy would be to test a nodule on the left side of my thyroid.

“I’m very sorry, but this is going to be painful. Please forgive me.”

The shot to numb me hurt the most. I could still feel the needle going in a couple of times as he extracted cells, but probably not as bad as if I hadn’t been numbed. Funny that something that is supposed to make you not feel anything has to hurt so bad.

It was all over within a half hour, and now I just had to wait. I spent that night alone eating ice cream and drinking wine. Even though my throat hurt, I spent a half hour on the phone with a former student who had just learned he didn’t receive financial aid he was counting on. He had no idea what I was facing, and in all honesty it was a nice distraction since I had been sitting alone in an empty apartment.

I called after a week of not hearing anything and was told I’d have to come in for the results. The dates they wanted me to come in didn’t work because I had to train the people I just hired. So, I had to continue to wait. I tried to comfort myself by thinking if something was wrong, they would insist I come in immediately.

After weeks of waiting, I finallyI sat in the exam room, nervous, checking email, wishing there was something to keep my mind occupied like waterfalls and animals. He walked in with his chart, sat and read, while I tried not to stare and read his mind. 

“The results were benign. But inconclusive due to a small sample size.” He showed me the lab report where it read “less than optimal sample size.” My stepmom was with me and asked what will happen now. “I will want to biopsy it again. We will do another ultrasound in January.” All she heard was benign. All I heard was inconclusive and another biopsy. It has to grow because it’s very small. More waiting. I went to yoga for the first time since having the biopsy weeks before. I expected to be frustrated and weak, but I discovered I’m a lot stronger than I think I am.

I know it’s not a horrible cancer to have, if it does in fact turn out to be that. I know benign, for now, is good. But it doesn’t take away the fear. The waiting is the hardest part. Not knowing if this thing inside me is just a nuisance or something more is a bit maddening. 

I’m not asking for sympathy or even empathy in writing this. What I hope is that it’s a reminder to listen to your body. I knew something was wrong. I’ve had high cholesterol forever, even when I was 90 pounds, but I didn’t know the link to my thyroid until very recently. We live inside our bodies daily, and it’s important to listen to what is going on. A medical practitioner can start to treat everyone the same as if we are just out of a textbook. If I had continued to see the dismissive nurse practitioner who denied my request to see a specialist, I wouldn’t know that there’s this thing growing inside me that can be hazardous. I had seen her in January because I was completely weak, dizzy, and nauseous. I didn’t have a fever. She prescribed some pills to take away the nausea and told me to rest. I know now, that my TSH levels were likely extremely high and that was the cause of me feeling so awful, but she never did blood work. Couldn’t be bothered with finding the root. She only wanted to treat the symptoms.

Even if it’s benign, a growing nodule is often removed because it can interfere with things like swallowing and breathing. At the very least, I have a doctor who is being careful and taking necessary precautions. And we all deserve that. We deserve to be treated with dignity, and even if we don’t have a medical degree, we know our bodies and when something isn’t right. That should be honored. 





Astro Turf

Late, by myself, in the boat of myself,

no light and no land anywhere,

cloudcover thick. I try to stay

just above the surface, yet I’m already under

and living within the ocean.


You have the best life. I envy you, Amy. That’s what someone said to me Sunday afternoon over lunch. There were ten of us. Mostly couples. We were recovering from the previous evening’s wedding festivities. I had made the comment that I had decided to call some friends and stay an extra night instead of heading back to the valley that day like everyone else. I didn’t expect to be considered lucky because I had no one to go home to, no job to go home to, and no kids to pick up after being away from them for a weekend. In fact, I envied the people who had someone to sleep next to the night before and every night. The ones who hold the alias mom or dad. The ones with a job, a steady paycheck. The ones not worrying how high the minimum payment will be on the credit card bill after the added expenses from the weekend because they don’t have to live off their credit card to ensure lights stay on and food is in the fridge.

I slept on a couch that night and drove home the next morning to my tiny apartment. We know the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, but maybe we are fooled. Maybe the other side isn’t grass. It’s AstroTurf. But maybe the grass is greener. Sometimes I’m grateful that I’m not stressing about how to support not only myself but a family on my meager unemployment and substitute teaching checks. On the flip side, if I’m being completely honest, sometimes I just want someone to put their arms around me and let me cry, comfort me and agree that the circumstances in my situation are completely wrong and unfair. I didn’t deserve this and karma will take care of those who put me in this situation. I wish there was someone else who was also bringing in money and that our struggle was leaving with a little less, not $50 above the poverty line. I worked so hard in school and jobs that it hurts to be poor, hurts to have lost my job because someone decided to make me an example. My ego is bruised and it’s like I’m stuck running on a treadmill watching everyone run past me. They are laughing and their bellies are full while mine growls and I fight back tears.

I know relationships aren’t easy. Clearly, I’m not in one because I’ve failed at every attempt and most of the time I preferred being alone anyway. But lately I wish I had someone to rely on, someone who made me a priority and said, we’ll get through this together. I’ve never dealt with being lonely before. I always valued alone time. Now, I avoid being alone with myself, facing myself, and this mess of my life. It’s all catching up to me like a lion. I’m not left with many more hiding places, and if I want to get over this fence to the other side I have to face myself first. Maybe this time the grass will be real and it will be greener on the other side. After all, I’m not even sure there’s grass on my side. It feels more like quick sand, and I’m trying not to move too fast, but just the right speed to avoid sinking.

Saying No, Saying Yes

Keep walking, though there’s no place to get to.

Don’t try to see through the distances.

That’s not for human beings. Move within,

but don’t move the way fear makes you move.


I crunch numbers till they bleed, robbing Peter to pay Paul, playing Russian Roulette with credit card maximum limits and due dates. For people who think that most of the people are living off unemployment are just milking the system and not wanting to get a job, I have to tell you that bringing in 60% of your already small wages is not exactly some cushion of government entitlement making me or most people not want to get a job.

In the first month after losing my job (which by the way, why do we call it losing my job? Like I don’t know where I last used or left it?), I didn’t know if my unemployment would come through considering the unethical and shady circumstances surrounding this break-up.  So, I took whatever came my way: cleaning lady, catalog candle lady, and babysitter (substitute teacher). That’s what you do, right?  You put pride aside in order to pay the bills. That’s what I learned from my parents. However, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt. That after all the money and years spent busting my ass, in school and work, I found myself wiping down stations at a salon and trying to talk people into having a candle party. Then I found out that I would receive unemployment. EDD ruled in my favor. One win.  Then the substitute jobs started to come more frequently.

So, I decided to redistribute my time. It was a difficult decision because this redistribution meant bringing in less money to allow more time to pursue passions. I quit cleaning. I’ve not put much energy into candle slanging. I sub a few days a week, mostly at a continuation high school because I seem to like the schools most people avoid.  I feed people’s pets and leave my apartment empty to ensure someone’s house is occupied when they leave town. I declined a board position and resigned as co-chair from a nonprofit. I started grant writing for two non-profits, one will pay and one is volunteer. I decided to spend $4000 this next year to earn my Independent Education Consultant certification. I started to put time and efforts into being my own boss. However, I avoided one thing, one extremely important thing. I avoided sitting on my floor with my laptop on my ottoman and typing. I avoided myself. I drowned away disappointments, fears, bitterness, heartache and betrayal with beer, constant company, and running around. I said yes to every distraction that took me away from myself, my writing.  Today is the first day in a long time that I can remember hardly talking to or seeing anyone. The tv has been off since I got home from a job interview at 9:00am. (And that interview was not fun, let me tell you).

Recently, I told my friend, Heather, that I feel like a writing routine is often like a new diet or exercise routine. It’s a lifestyle change that’s great when you have the energy and motivation, but not so great when you feel like your life has fallen apart and you just want to comfort yourself with cheese, beer, ice cream and TV addictions. So, while I was doing what was right for me in certain areas, knowing that less money now means more in the long run, I didn’t invest in myself. I kept myself so busy, so distracted that I’m drained. I learned to say no, but didn’t completely perfect it.

Now, I am trying to recommit to myself, seeing if I’ll take me back. Forgive myself. Do right by my writing. Keep walking. Stop acting out of fear. The bills will get paid. I’ll keep my apartment. I may continue to miss out on fun trips with friends,, but I have faith that I’m moving in the right direction. The numbers might bleed, but I’m healing. I have faith. My fear of failure and ridicule will not drive my decision-making.



Soundtrack For My Revolution or 33


A happy accident occurred while building a soundtrack for my revolution. I realized I was approaching 33 songs, and I’m turning 33 next week. Maybe one day I’ll rearrange the list to make the song’s position mean something in regards to the year. For now, here’s my 33 songs for my revolution and the evolution I’m undergoing. Here’s to 33 baby.

1. Hate on Me by Jill Scott

2. Hot Night by Me’shell Ngdeocello

3. Not Ready to Make Nice by Dixie Chicks

4. Born This Way by Lady GaGa

5. Listen by Beyonce

6. Powerless by Nelly Furtado

7. Take Me As I Am by Mary J. Blige

8. Keep Ya Head up by Tupac

9. Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine

10. Break the Chain by Lupe Fiasco

11. Talkin’ About A Revolution by Tracy Chapman

12. Propaganda by Dead Prez

13. Glitches (The Skin You’re In) by Arrieux & The Roots

14. Time to Build by Beastie Boys

15. People Lead by Ben Harper

16. Warrior Song by Nas

17. Get Up Stand Up by Bob Marley

18. For What It’s Worth by Buffalo Springfield

19. Happiness by Dead Prez

20. Can’t Hold Us Down by Christina Aguilera

21. Hope by Faith Evans & Twista

22. The River by Garth Brooks

23. Hands by Jewel

24. What They Do by The Roots

25. What’s Going On by Marvin Gaye

26. Heal the World by Michael Jackson

27. Love by Mos Def

28. Hometown Glory by Adele

29. Soldier of Love by Sade

30. Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder

31. Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston

32. Recycle Hate to Love by Teena Marie

33. Stand to the Side by Talib Kweli

Sugar vs Vinegar

“You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar,” my mom always said each time I got in trouble at school for talking back and speaking out. Number one, why the hell do I want flies anyway? They disgust and annoy me. I pretty much hate them as much as I hate cockroaches. Second of all, vinegar is nature’s miracle substance.

Things you can do with vinegar:

  1. Clean windows
  2. Remove stains
  3. Dye eggs
  4. Sanitize the washing machine
  5. Treat sunburn
  6. Remove buildup in hair
  7. Detox your body
  8. Deodorize foul odors
  9. Treat arthritis
  10. Clean produce of pesticides
  11. Unclog drains

My poor mom. She wanted a sweet little girl who was all bows and Emily Post. Well, she got Joan of Arc meets Bette Davis meets Jane Adams meets Lucille Ball. Maybe that’s giving myself too much credit, but at this moment it feels right.

I spent many days in the Principal’s office because of my mouth, and my parents warned me that this would lead to trouble as an adult when I entered the workforce. They were right. I mean, I’m not the girl who just goes off for no reason. My impatience and temper can definitely reveal themselves in an unproductive way when I’m fed up, and I don’t always like that, but for the most part, I found that this mouth of mine is quite useful in speaking out against injustice. Most of my life, I’ve tried to control my mouth. I’ve been told to keep silent. When the silence has built up like lava, I end up exploding. With all the injustices in the world, how am I supposed to be sweet and quiet? How do I turn the other cheek while people are hurt, taken advantage of, devalued and scammed?

My mouth still gets me in trouble. It’s true. However, I very rarely regret speaking out. I welcome this trouble because I know that I’m speaking with good intent to make things better.

Recently, this instinct to speak out against injustice, to advocate for those absent or too afraid to speak has changed my life dramatically. Many people can’t handle the truth even when they ask for it, when they promise your truth will be honored in safe space. While I’m hurt, frustrated, and a little scared about surviving, I know I’ll thrive. I know that using my voice was the right thing to do. Right isn’t always popular. It’s vinegar. It intimidates those who insist on living in sugary lies with flies. It scares people. It attracts bullets. It’s powerful and beautiful.

As I approach my 33rd birthday in thirteen days, I intend to fully embrace my voice, my vinegar, my multipurpose natural miracle. I’m an advocate for social justice. I’m a writer. It’s time to step into that light instead of skirting on the edges. I will always speak and write for what is right and fair for others and myself. This fight isn’t over. It’s just the beginning. Good thing I have plenty of vinegar.

Liebster Blog Award Recepient Speech

Well, well. One of my favorite poets and bloggers has honored me with the Liebster Award. I’m so adding this to my resume under “Publications and Honors.” So, I copied the Liebster Award info from her blog because one of my first mentors at graduate school taught me to steal and lie. That’s the honest to God’s truth.

What is the Liebster Award?

The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The Meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.

The Rules:

1. If you are tagged/nominated, you have to post 11 facts about yourself.

2. Then you answer the 11 questions the tagger has given you & make 11 questions for the people you are going to tag.

3. Tag 11 more Bloggers.

4. Tell the people you tagged that you did.

5. No tagging back.

6. The person you tag must have less than 200 followers.

11 Fun Facts About the Cubicle Poet

1. My favorite color is purple. No it’s turquoise. Well, honestly I love both colors equally. Purple is so velvety and inviting. However, turquoise is totally my power color. I look good in it, and it’s beautiful and mystic.

2. I don’t work in a cubicle anymore. In fact, I don’t have an office or a desk at work. My office travels with me in my rolling briefcase, who the ladies at my old chiropractor’s office named Bob.

3. I was voted Most Outspoken in high school. My willingness to speak out often intimidates folks. That used to make me sad and angry, but now I’m embracing it and realizing it’s kind of cool to be powerful. Like She-Ra.

4. I’m an ordained minister and performed two wedding ceremonies. Though, one was just for show and the other one was for real for real

5. I’m tough and can take a lot, but my abrasiveness is often a response to my extreme sensitivity. I feel everything, and do my best to protect myself.

6. I hated poetry in high school. I decided to take a poetry class at Cal Poly even though I hated poetry. My teacher was kind of weird, but I also discovered spoken word and fell in love with poetry while simultaneously falling in love for the first time. It was 2000.

7. Deciding on a place to eat often feels extremely difficult. I’m a Virgo with Libra tendencies.

8. I just want to dance. And write. And sing. And get paid for it.

9. Failure is my biggest fear.

10. I’m not very good at making regular phone calls to people that I miss. I think about them (you) often, but I get caught up in doing whatever it is that I do.

11. I recently googled “inappropriate relationships” to see if my name, picture, or past situations came up. Luckily, my inappropriateness is nothing compared to others. I feel somewhat like normal damaged goods. Just normal wear and tear.

Here are the answers to Heather’s questions!

What is your biggest dream?

To write and travel and love.

What inspires you the most?

People who chase their dreams and get up after every fall.

What is your favorite kind of music?

I LOVE all music…minus death metal and techno. I’ve been spending more time in country land these days. Loving Lady Antebellum. Uber excited to spend my last day of 32 seeing Diana Krall in concert.

How did you wind up with a blog?

Melissa Jones. She nagged me. So did LaToya Jordan. I kept trying to think of a name, and honestly it came to me while listening to Eminem.

What is your favorite food?


What is your favorite genre of reading?

Fiction. (Heather’s answer. I agree and not changing)

The ocean or the mountains?

Water. Always water. (Ditto Heather. Lake, river, ocean…just give me water).

Are you a hopeless romantic?

I’m hopeful. I believe in love. Though, real true love is hard and messy, it’s something you don’t walk away from.

What is your current WIP about?

Messy relationships. The gray that no one talks about.

What are your top five favorite movies?

I told you I have Libra tendencies, so this really depends on my mood.

1. Dirty Dancing

2. All About Eve

3. Love Jones

4. Love Actually

5. Real Women Have Curves

What is your favorite thing about yourself?

My resilience

Ok, I’m going to come up with my 11 questions for the below people to answer:

  1. Do you have regrets, or is regret for suckers?
  2. What’s your favorite song right now, at this moment?
  3. What sounds do you hear right now?
  4. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  5. What story have you been sitting on and too afraid to tell? Will you ever tell?
  6. Have you or would you date someone ten years younger or older than you?
  7. What do you love about being you?
  8. Is monogamy possible, or does everyone cheat?
  9. Paper or plastic?
  10. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  11. What five movies do you love?

Blogs I like (I need to read more blogs bc I don’t have the required 11…sorry). If you have a blog, and I don’t know it, tell me. I’ll read it and then I’ll tag you with awards.  For those listed below, tag you’re it! List 11 fun facts about yourself and then answer my 11 fun questions. Don’t forget to award other bloggers and keep the conversation going.

Inspired by Cuda Brown

Extolling the Steps Walked, The Coffee Poured

Isolated Thunder

Rambling About Regret

We humans seem to be on either side of the fence with the issue of regret. And I’m not just talking about the remorse we look for in the courtroom when staring at a rapist or murderer. I’m talking about the smaller crimes we commit in our daily lives. Should we regret any and every wrong doing? Who defines wrong doing anyway?

I remember looking for quotes for my senior yearbook to accompany my photo. I came across one that said, “I have often regretted my speech, but never my silence.” I thought that was ridiculous. At eighteen, I knew that silence was far louder and more dangerous than words. Yes, words can hurt, destroy and cut. But silence. Silence is a slow killer. It’s the darkness that is perfect conditions for black mold and roaches. So, me being me, I flipped it and decided my quote would be, “I have often regretted my silence, but never my speech.”

This is still true. Of course, I have moments where I kick myself and wonder why the hell I said something ridiculous and embarrassing, or even hurtful. However, I learned a long time ago that I will choke on unsaid words. I will never regret telling someone I love them; whether they want to reciprocate. I will never regret telling someone they hurt me, or that I think they are wrong (or right). I will never regret saying, “I’m sorry.” Sure, it would be nice to not have anything to say sorry for. But, that’s life. Even when you play by the rules, you aren’t necessary guaranteed to not hurt others or yourself. So, it can be said that she who takes the most risks has fewer regrets, and more people demanding her remorse that don’t understand risk.

Very few human beings have the ability to empathize. Often times, people see the world through their experiences and think that is the model for all. Sure, situations can be similar and inspirational. But at the end of the day every person, relationship, and experience is unique. Someone could walk in with cupcakes right now and myself and my three students sitting in this classroom would experience it differently. We have different personalities, perceptions, lifestyles, histories, and moods. I try really hard not to judge others actions or choices. I’m not always successful, but I try.

A little over a year ago I was in the midst of a nervous breakdown. I judged myself and was harshly judged. I was also embraced and comforted. I made the choice to put more energy and attention into those who opened their arms to me without judgment because that was what I needed to heal. I don’t regret the decisions I made at that time to quit my decent paying job with benefits and leave the Bay to return to bad air and a tough job market in the Central Valley. Many good things have come from that. Many challenges have arisen, as well. But I work through them. I’m not a fan of the for-profit school system, but I don’t regret taking a job to teach at one. Perhaps this makes me a sell-out in the eyes of some (including myself), but I have bills to pay and a life to live. I know it’s where I need to be right now and I’ll learn from it and be a better person in the end.

I can apply the same philosophy to relationships. I don’t regret any of my romantic relationships because every single one has strengthened me and taught me something about life that you just can’t read in a book or watch in a movie. That doesn’t mean I’m proud of what I did or how I acted at all times. There are moments and people I never want to relive. There are moments and people I wish I could have back. I’ve had commitment, reckless passion, devotion, abuse, betrayal, lust, fun, and love. I don’t regret any of that. Perhaps, it’s because I’m a writer and have some need (albeit masochist at times) to experience as many things and emotions possible in order to connect to the human experience on many different levels.

At the end of the day, the one person we have to look in the eye is our own reflection. When people say they have no regrets, it doesn’t mean they lack the ability to see they did wrong. It means they were true to their desires. They followed their gut, their dreams and maybe they fell on their ass, but at least they tried. It may or may not have turned out as they hoped or planned, but it turned out as it was supposed to turn out. Everything happens for a reason.They learned something about life and themselves that they wouldn’t have known any other way. No regrets. No looking back. Only walking forward with the ability to still look my reflection in the eye. Living for me.

Weddings, Travel and Friendship

I began typing this while sitting on a tarmac in a thunderstorm on a plane that I shouldn’t be on. Thunder, lightning and rain from this level five storm grounded us for nearly two hours.

After 30 hours of trying to get home, I finally walk in my door. As much as I wanted to shower and climb into bed, I showered and went to work. Before walking out the door, I glanced through the mail left on the ottoman by my stepmom. Another wedding invitation sat amongst the pile. Another out of town wedding. Another solo journey.

When I was leaving Fresno last week to St. Louis to be a bridesmaid, the waitress looked perplexed and concerned as she asked, “Are you travelling alone?” I never think much of it, but I always travel alone. The only time I’ve travelled with others is when it’s been work related.  I laughed about it later, but then questions from the couples’ family members magnified the  aloneness. “Are you married? Do you have kids?” The best was when the bride said she decided against a bouquet toss because my plus one (bridesmaid as well), myself and her sister were the only single women in attendance. I appreciate the gesture, as I conveniently find myself needing to use the restroom or get a drink at that time anyway. But, in a way, it’s also kind of sad that out of 100 people, there are three of us that are single. And at least the bride’s sister has kids.

It’s funny. I find out my flight left early without receiving any notification. I didn’t call anyone and ask what to do. I didn’t have anyone to confer with in terms of figuring things out. I did have a friend call right away because he knows me and wanted to make sure I wasn’t about to strangle someone. I talked to the guy at the cab stand and he gave me hotel suggestions. Hotels with free shuttles. Sorry cabbies.

These are things I know how to do because I travel alone. Not just in the pack your suitcase and get in the car, on the train or plane alone, but I’ve been journeying through life solo. Yes, I have friends and family, but most of my adult life has been single. Even when I was with someone, I wasn’t leaning on them when chaos or crazy unexpected things happen. I have to make decisions on my own constantly. Sometimes that is a good thing. Who else am I going to argue with but myself? Other times, it can be scary and draining.

It was a pretty crazy ending to a beautiful weekend celebrating my girl’s marriage. There was a part of things that felt very surreal this weekend. I couldn’t believe that the three women I became friends with 11 years ago in D.C. are still such a major part of my life. So much so, that three of us were bridesmaids and watching our “Charlotte” get married.

I watched her walk down the aisle looking stunning. An assured peace and bliss were all over her face and I felt the tears. A montage played in my mind of the times we spent hours (mostly on the phone because we lived on opposite sides of the country) talking about failed attempts at love. At times, I listened to her cry and felt helpless that I couldn’t go be with her. There were times I almost bought a plane ticket and called in to work because another prick had taken advantage of her kind and loving heart.  And then the phone calls became less and less frequent. She found her love match.

I admire her courage and strength. Yes, she questioned love like all of us do in the midst of being broken hearted. But, she wouldn’t give up. She wanted love and companionship and she went after it.  She always picked up the pieces of heartache and moved forward.

She has asked me to write a poem for them and read it at the ceremony. I warned her I wasn’t going to get through it without crying and I couldn’t. My girl found a man she deserves and he deserves her. She doesn’t have to travel alone and that gives me peace and it made me cry.

As for me, I’ll start looking for plane tickets and a hotel for one as I journey to Seattle in two months to celebrate the love of another friend. Another unique friendship that started in NY, survived long distance, reunited in The Bay, and is once again long distance.  And it’s with joy in my heart (and yes tears in my eyes) that I will travel alone to be part of a celebration of the joining of two lives that are embarking on this journey of life together.


I feel drunk, but I’m not. There’s things I could be doing, like reviewing my syllabi and applying for jobs. However, I’m free writing on my blog instead. I did start typing a new post earlier today, but it’s saved on my personal computer; which is in my backpack at home. I’m at work. Not teaching. It’s project work day because, to be honest, I’m too exhausted to teach. It took something like 30 hours or so for me to get home from St. Louis today.

So, be prepared for a post about weddings, friendship, love and travel once I get to the computer. Actually, it will likely be posted tomorrow. When I get home, I foresee throwing things off my bed where they were scattered in my hurry-up-and-get-ready-for-work 30 minute dash. My bed is all I can think of right now.

I have nothing really great to say right now except that there’s something really special about watching your friend you love walk down the aisle to exchange vows with a man who actually deserves her and she deserves him. It’s funny how we cry when we are happy, sad, moved, stressed, hurt, etc, etc. What do you think God/Goddess/Universe thought when designing tear ducts and what causes us to cry? Why the same reaction for so many different causes?

I’m so tired I could cry.

The Endless Day One

“If you get lonely…if you’re a woman. If you’re really a woman, you know what you need. Man, I found out at 14-years-old and I’ve been looking ever since.”—Janis Joplin

Today I was thinking about Day One. That day that is the first you go without communication with someone who has taken up so much of your time for days, weeks, months, years. They are still taking up your mind, and honestly, they are thinking of you too. You check your phone and email constantly. You keep yourself occupied, hide your phone, almost delete the number…all in an effort to not be the one to make contact. I’m not talking about who is going to reach out the olive branch first. This isn’t about apologizing and becoming stronger. This is about walking away, letting go of that thing, that person that wasn’t good for you in the first place.

This is about realizing you were settling because you were scared, because they met half of your needs and that was better than none, because you did love and care about them. This is about going through something hard that will better you in the end. You pray you’ll hear from them. On the other hand, you hope they stay away. You know you can be strong enough, prideful enough to not reach out. However, you aren’t sure that you are strong enough to ignore the phone, to not respond, to not fall into the dysfunctional comfort. And you aren’t yet strong enough to block the call. But, you made it through Day One. 24 Hours. You’re ok. That much further from something unhealthy. That much closer to something nourishing, reminding yourself that you still have a list of needs to be met.

That much stronger for Day Two.